Leading from Within – Identity-based leadership

Revolutionary. Arts. Education.

Yes! I’m ready! $250

This course is a 3-week coaching session for emerging and professional leaders ready to embrace the unique leadership they wish to embody.

In a largely patriarchal world, it can be difficult to form images and paths that aren’t reactive or perpetuating that model. That’s why we must look within to find our unique pulse and rhythm as leaders. Then, not only can we lead ourselves authentically, we create space for each member of our community to do the same… their way. During this course, we will coax out that internal leader, observe and come to peace with the inner critic, and articulate your horizon—the dream larger than your lifetime. You will learn how to reach out to your community creating inspiring and playful invitations to create with you.

I designed it especially for those of you who want personal accountability, the freedom to learn on their own time, one-on-one creative coaching, and the support of a network of fellow leaders in all field, at all levels of experience.

My personal approach speaks directly to where you are in your process.

During the 3-weeks, you’ll receive:

  • A weekly package with daily assignments for you, downloadable in our secret Facebook group.
  • A digital copy of Creatively Independent ($15 on its own) to use as a reference and future support in the work.
  • Creative coaching on your work each day (my rate is usually $250 for a one-hour session, here you’ll have up to 12 hours available to you).
  • Accountability (nothing like a workout buddy to make sure your goals are met. I’m there for you.)
  • Freedom to work within your schedule.


jennifer_rikerJess Pillmore is a true professional at what she does. Two Parts Magician and One giant part Mamma Bear. In her care, she makes daring comfortable. She coaxes, prods, pokes then pulls back the curtain and reveals the goods you didn’t even know were hidden in you. I’ve had plenty of mentors and teachers who “get you there” but none as safe and pure as Jess. She is exuberant, playful and incredibly knowledgeable in her field. I do believe she is an expert guide. Her positive psychology is addicting.

– Jennifer Riker (Actor, Professor Theatre and Film, FSU)



I’m in! $250


For Professional and Emerging Leaders* ready to develop their motivations, skill set, and resources to lead in a holistic way plus the daily practice needed to sustain it.

  • If you are: 
    • Wanting to create and connect with other heart-open leaders, but feeling restricted by your hectic schedule.
    • Done with waiting for others to create the path for you.
    • Curious but unsure what you would like/be/feel like as a leader.
    • Stuck in the accommodating mindset of “others tell me what they want I and do it”, instead of “this is what I want to do”.
    • Denying yourself the joy of dreaming big, because of the hard realities around you.
    • Desiring to be inspired by fellow risk-taking humans, and inspire them in turn with your fabulousness. (Yes, you are not only fab, you are beyond fab!)
    • Eager to smack down assumptions holding you back.
    • Ready to make your project/community/company healthy and interconnected with your vision in a playful and transformative way.
    • Bogged down by all the “How’s” & “What’s” and other models feel false (they are… because they’re not you.)
    • Forgetting to add the heart, add the poetic, add the “Why’s” (Why do I love this project/company/community?…)
    • Screaming inside “To Hell with prescriptive! Give me passion and purpose!”

*Leader = visionary, passion human, connector, instigator, supporter, teacher, producer, board member, CEO, mom, freelancer, small business owner, retired and stepping into their next adventure… A leader has many forms.


  • You’re hoping for a one-size-fits-all formula.
  • You feel being successful is doing what others are doing in a fill-in-the-blank way. (This work is the opposite. It’s about creating what only you can do and stop the negative cycle of comparison).
  • You shut down when things get messy or hard to see the outcome immediately. This process plays in the unknown in order to achieve something new for you.



If you do the work, take full advantage of the resources, and jump in head first… You’ll have solidly planted and learned how to cultivate your:

  • Leadership identity that resonates with who you are and motivates you to expand within yourself and your group.
  • Understanding why you’re the only one to lead in this way.
  • Actionable plan to start organizing your project/company/community in a way that is natural and buoyant.
  • Personal ritual to get into your groove and work/play at your best.
  • Risk-taking ability and how to self-assess and expand your capacity for daring.
  • Horizon – the dream beyond your lifetime (what every leader needs)!
  • Invitations to your team/co-workers/community to foster horizontal leadership from within your tribe. No more vertical from the top down.
  • Evolutionary playful side, where buoyancy and curiosity help you and your tribe expand.


Screen Shot 2015-03-13 at 1.27.14 PMJess Pillmore is a sensational creative sounding board! She is an understanding and supportive listener and has a gift for helping you pinpoint your creative goals. She guides you to clarify your process by asking mindful questions shaped to your individual needs. She does not push her own aesthetic and her criticism is always thoughtful, constructive and without agenda. She encouraged me to embrace my unique artistic voice and has been a pivotal part of my growth as a human and a maker of accessible art.

– Lara Segura (Artistic Program Manager, Malashock Dance Co.)



  • Through daily prompts, we explore how you lead and how you can focus that fabulousness into your life, career, project, or volunteer group.
  • A weekly packet is given, broken down into manageable chunks Monday-Thursday. You can work on your own time, within your own schedule.
  • Work posted throughout the day will be lovingly poked, prodded and supported by my sustainable artistry coaching. Solid office hours are 1-2 PM EST for more one-on-one sessions online.
  • You’ll get to the root of your passion; prune what’s not working for you; craft holistic leader identity, horizon, structure, community focus, project/event invitations to gather your tribe and envision adaptations/extensions for leadership expansion.
  • All this happens in a secret Facebook group made solely for this ensemble. Here you can post your work, asking me questions, get 1:1 coaching and boost your success rate with personal and ensemble accountability (it’s not just you doing this).

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Daily access to a computer or smartphone, a Facebook account, and 1-2 hours/day*.

*The time varies depending on the assignments and your readiness. It’s all on your schedule.


Beth Venable

Jess, your class was a turning point for me this summer. It changed the frequency of how I was seeing my life… 

Diving into a study of what you can bring to the world seemed frivolous at the time, and it was also necessary. This class has given me space to create a vision for the future. At the beginning, I felt hopeless because I had run out of the energy it takes to create a vision.

By tackling each day’s assignment the focus was narrowed, blinders were on. Blinders to the negative thoughts, the “that will never work, because…” thoughts. Through this process, I have reclaimed the knowledge that I do not have to isolate and compartmentalize to be successful. It is conceivable to create a future that can only be accomplished with my particular blend of skills and experiences, and personality.

Beth Venable (Consultant for Life’s Adventures)

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Me, Jess Pillmore, Founder/Horizon Activator of Creatively Independent, a revolutionary arts education company. I’ve spent over 20 years as a teaching artist in America and Europe: full-time, adjunct, guest artist, and artist-in-residence. While on the road, people would pick my brain about to be unique in a cookie-cutter world… whether it’s in education, the arts, business, or everyday living… “How do I stop being like everyone else and tap into how and why I want to create/lead/connect/live?” Those coffee talks and late night chats turned into lectures I now give at conferences and colleges, an upcoming series I write for HowlRound, as well as one-on-one sustainable artistry coaching. I’ve taught Professional Development residencies for elementary-graduate school educators, presented lectures and experiential workshops at regional and state conferences. PUBLICATIONS: Creatively Independent: Life on Your Terms with Play, Community and Awareness,  Psychology Today, and HowlRound. Compassionate leadership has been my inquiry as an artist, educator, mother, and community member. It’s a daily practice flowing between the known and unknown, an expert’s skill and novice’s curiosity… I have successfully balanced both for 20 years and I can help you do it, too. It’s a revolution, love, one compassionate leader at a time. Check out their thoughts on the work.

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You are free to release your slot up to 30 days before the first class starts. If given at least 30 days notice, your money will be returned to you minus a $25 processing fee.
There are no refunds after that time, so please make sure the course is a good fit for you. Contact me below with any questions before enrolling. And during the course, if there are any snags, let me know immediately and I’ll get on it!




I’m all about this! – $250