Independent – Simplicity

Revolutionary. Arts. Education.

Independent – Simplicity

An Actor Enjoying the Simple Moment – Adding Machine, dir. Jess Pillmore

As I watch a student try an activity, I see how we’ve truly become creatures of multitasking… and I don’t know if that’s good or not.  The more you’re doing the better, seems to be the current motto.  With that in our blood stream, are we ever doing one thing well?

I ask the students to simply do one thing at a time and do it with all their heart.  Immediately, there is a sense of confusion and hesitation.  I can almost hear them thinking, “Just one thing?  Is that interesting theatre?  Can it be that easy?”  I’m curious why it’s so difficult to do this.   There’s power in doing one thing at a time, where a stronger focus and more direct outcome lies.

Here’s an activity – Stand and breathe in a neutral state without doing anything else: don’t fidget, fix your hair or shirt, bounce your knees, wriggle your fingers, etc.  See how long you can do just that without having to make it interesting for yourself in some way.


1.  How many things do you do in a moment?  Include actions and thoughts.

2.  Can you focus on the simple act?

3.  If this is difficult, what do you do to muddy up the simple act?  Fidget?  Self-judge? Laugh? Hold your breath?…
