Ensemble/Community – Reading the Signs

Revolutionary. Arts. Education.

Ensemble/Community – Reading the Signs


During a directing master class, a student commented that a group HAD to have one person to control the group, to calm it down in order to avoid confrontations and bickering.  I asked him, “What about traffic?  How do we all know where to go and what’s going on without that one person to control the situation?”  He said, “Well, we have traffic lights and stop signs.”  And I propose that people also have traffic lights and stop signs in their body language, spacial presence and facial expressions. So, how do we read the signs?

People tell us “caution” “stop” and “go” all the time without using words.  Are we observant enough to guide ourselves through the day, through our office, through our tasks so we can see them and react?  Quick reactions,  no hesitation, trusting your gut… these are key on a busy freeway and in life.


1.  How do I show “caution”, “stop”, “go”?  Look at your breathing, where you hold your tension, your focus/gaze.

2.  How does someone close to me show me “caution”, “stop”, “go”?

3.  How loud do the signs need to be before I react?